Seaweed Salts

Regular price $10.00

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Our seaweed powder is a mix of Kombu, Wakame, Kelp Fronds, Sea Fern, and Iridea. These pacific-northwest harvested sea vegetables provide impressive nutrition and health benefits.

promote healthy thyroid function and metabolism – support a strong immune system – stimulate tissue repair and regeneration – improve gut flora and digestive health – increase elimination of heavy metals, radioactive elements, dioxins and PCBs – decrease allergies, inflammation and autoimmune conditions – inhibit cancers and metastases – reduce blood pressure, blood sugar and LDL cholesterol – prevent atherosclerosis and strokes – limit herpes and HPV outbreaks – normalize menses and hormone levels

Humans have always used seaweed as food and medicine. Our blend is locally wild harvested, and packed with antioxidants. In a time were we can expect our food to be grown in mineral deficient soil, sea vegetables remains and efficient and available source for essential minerals and vitamins. Since taking our Seaweed Complex for the past three months, I have noticed a significant increase in hair growth.

"Many people find that they can successfully use seaweeds to improve their thyroid function and avoid the use of drugs or synthetic thyroid hormones. Seaweeds provide all of the minerals and amino acids that are needed for healthy thyroid function.

They contain more iodine than any other natural food source. Furthermore, the forms of iodine found in seaweeds are particularly easy for the thyroid gland to use. Seaweeds are also rich sources of selenium, zinc, copper, tyrosine and taurine. Abundant natural iodine in the diet also protects us from absorbing Iodine-131, a particularly dangerous radioactive element that can cause thyroid disease and cancer."

-James Jungwirth


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