Five Guardians - Powder
Regular price $20.00
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Organic Ingredients
Reishi, Chaga, Turkey Tail, Shiitake & Maitake create a synergistic effect in bolstering the immune system.
The Five Guardians blend is an organic hot water extract of these five mushrooms in a 1:1 ratio, and turned back into a bioavailable powder form. Without extraction, mushrooms are not well absorbed by the body, if at all.
This powder can be dissolved in coffee, tea, smoothie, or any beverage of choice. The taste is a surprisingly chocolatey, savory flavor that goes well with coffee or cacao or even by itself.
A 1:1 ratio means that one pound of mushrooms goes into one pound of extract. There are no fillers, grains, or mycelium in this product. It comes from the actual mushroom "fruiting bodies".
1/4 - 1/2 tsp. One ounce can last a month or longer depending on use.
Sold by the ounce. Packaged in a biodegradable ziplock.
Five Guardians vs Four Blessings
Five Guardians is a single (hot water) extract at a 1:1 concentration. Hot water is best able to extract the precious beta-glucans. This blend contains 50%+ beta-glucans and is provided at a lower price point for those who want to use medicinal mushrooms mostly to boost the immune system.
Four Blessings is a dual (alcohol & hot water) extract at a 8:1 concentration. Alcohol extraction obtains other precious constituents such as diterpenes and triterpenes that are responsible for some of the other benefits we want from the mushrooms. The catch is that alcohol denatures some of the beta-glucans, so this blend contains 20%+ beta-glucans, which is still quite high for any mushroom product on the market today. This blend is provided at a higher price point for those who want the full benefits from the mushrooms at a concentrated level.
We highly recommend Wildish Botanicals. They've been incredibly kind & efficient in creating tincture supplement prescriptions for our patients. We value their service so much!
Jess Marie Larrain
Portland Clinic of Natural Health