Cleaver Essence

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Flower Essence

Planetary Characteristics: Moon

Latin name: ‘Galium aparine’

From The Flower Attunement Guide Book-

Cleavers grow close to the earth's surface attaching themselves to whatever is near them with their sticky, fine hairs. They can become a little invasive and stick themselves to other plants in the garden, eventually growing over them. Cleavers have a long list of medicinal qualities. Their nutritional values have been long used as a slimming aid because of its diuretic qualities. Unhealthy weight gain can manifest differently for so many people, but the one common factor (emotionally) is our attachments, this can be belief systems that no longer serve us. Cleavers help us to let go of what no longer promotes our highest good. Toxins and unhealthy weight can act as protection from our true potentials.

The moon rules our hormones through the pineal gland. When we work with Cleavers to release what is deeply buried and protected, we can discern what is healthy and what is not. Cleavers help us to release codependency and toxic relationships that hold us back, helping us to emotionally rebalance our hormones and cleanse unwanted toxic energy. The weight of the world can manifest as a mindset and a physical form, Cleavers help us release some of that weight and take control of our lives and goals.

Flower essence tinctures work by modifying energy flow through the typical acupuncture meridians. Shifts in these energetic patterns influence the consciousness in helpful ways both emotionally and physically. These homeopathic remedies can be described as “vibrational” or energy medicine. Flowers themselves contain the highest concentration of life force energy of the plant. Through the sun infusion method, we can harness the healing vibrational pattern and energy of the flower. This is imprinted in the water and then preserved as medicine. Preserved with brandy but can be replaced with glycerin upon request.

The flower essence of Cleavers is only the vibration of the plant and no plant material is used in the harvesting process.

This can be used as a tincture ingested neat, or added to water, tea whatever you feel. I recommend one drop in water three times a day. All of the essences can also be added to a bath.

Made intentionally by hand in Portland, OR

results very and are not 100% guaranteed.

1/2oz 15ml


The blends are not intended to replace any medical or mental treatments by a qualified health physician. This information is for educational purposes.


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